Astrology: Film: ‘Mud’ (2013)

Astrology: Film: ‘Mud’ (2013)

Usually it’s female movie characters who pine away for the guys they just can’t have and interminably wait for the phone to ring. In a refreshing and sobering twist, it’s the male character in Jeff Nichols’s new movie Mud who’s unrequitedly in love. The lovelorn guy...
Astrology: Film: ‘The Reluctant Fundamentalist’ (2013)

Astrology: Film: ‘The Reluctant Fundamentalist’ (2013)

In The Reluctant Fundamentalist, the career and personal life of Princeton-educated Pakistani Changez Khan (Riz Ahmed), a brilliant financial analyst under the aegis of Wall Street guru Jim Cross (Kiefer Sutherland), is on a steep upward trajectory. Then 9/11 happens....
Astrology: Film: ‘At Any Price’ (2013)

Astrology: Film: ‘At Any Price’ (2013)

At Any Price, directed by Ramin Bahrani, is set in the heart of Iowa farmland that’s home to a snake in the grass. The movie’s slitherer is Henry Whipple (Dennis Quaid), an amoral seeds salesman, who’s been selling – and slyly reselling – genetically modified product...
Astrology: Film: ‘42’ (2013)

Astrology: Film: ‘42’ (2013)

The new Jackie Robinson biopic, 42, written and directed by Brian Helgeland, celebrates the baseball icon’s athleticism and self-mastery, a heavy-duty pairing of archetypal energies represented by Mars and Saturn. Robinson, whose father had walked out on the family...