Astrology: Film: Review: ‘Neighbors’ (2014)

Astrology: Film: Review: ‘Neighbors’ (2014)

Wordsworth is no doubt turning over in his grave, knowing that his staid, elegant adage – “the child is father of the man” – has just gotten a 21st-century, frat-boy comedy makeover. Directed by Nicholas Stoller, Neighbors sledgehammers home the point that people’s...
Astrology: Film: ‘At Any Price’ (2013)

Astrology: Film: ‘At Any Price’ (2013)

At Any Price, directed by Ramin Bahrani, is set in the heart of Iowa farmland that’s home to a snake in the grass. The movie’s slitherer is Henry Whipple (Dennis Quaid), an amoral seeds salesman, who’s been selling – and slyly reselling – genetically modified product...