by Coeli Carr | May 12, 2014
Is “yoga fashion” a contradictory term? As people own their yoga practices – whether as part of a group at an outside venue, or alone in the privacy of their homes – their focus should be a connection. This means a link with their deepest being, whether the goal is... by Coeli Carr | May 8, 2014
In The Double, Mia Wasikowska, who plays Hannah, wears a glorious, white eyelet dress, its brightness like a shaft of light against the drab shades of the city’s work and living decor. Her dress also ties in with the movie’s two key male characters. Her co-worker... by Coeli Carr | Apr 28, 2014
Don Draper has always prided himself on running the show, even when his baser drives have been the instruments steering his car. So the final moments of last night’s episode of “Mad Men,” as SC&P’s partners deliver to Don the terms of employment he must accept to... by Coeli Carr | Apr 9, 2014
They’re called bucket bags for good reason. Like pails, they’ve got a broad base that nicely balances your hoard for easy transport. If you jam-pack them in well organized fashion, these babies evoke the mythic Cornucopia or Horn of Plenty. One account of the legend... by Coeli Carr | Nov 5, 2013
An item that might once have been categorized as a prom-night hair accessory has now taken center stage as all-around feel-good, girly headgear, largely through the fashion spark of Chiara de Blasio, daughter of New York City’s new mayor Bill de Blasio. Chiara rocked...