Astrology: Fashion and Yoga Clothing: A Contradiction?

Astrology: Fashion and Yoga Clothing: A Contradiction?

Is “yoga fashion” a contradictory term? As people own their yoga practices – whether as part of a group at an outside venue, or alone in the privacy of their homes – their focus should be a connection. This means a link with their deepest being, whether the goal is...
Astrology: Fashion: Pocket Squares on ‘Mad Men’

Astrology: Fashion: Pocket Squares on ‘Mad Men’

Don Draper has always prided himself on running the show, even when his baser drives have been the instruments steering his car. So the final moments of last night’s episode of “Mad Men,” as SC&P’s partners deliver to Don the terms of employment he must accept to...
Astrology: Fashion: Peggy Olson’s Beret in ‘Mad Men’

Astrology: Fashion: Peggy Olson’s Beret in ‘Mad Men’

Just about anyone who’s ever worn a beret – okay, berét for you purists – has all but marked their foreheads with the words “I Am An Artist.” It’s head gear quirkily worn at an angle, as if proclaiming that one’s thought processes and self-expression are delightfully...